
Garland Capital Management, LLC provides highly professional management, advisory and investment banking services to a small number of select clients. GCM specializes in Buyouts of private and public companies or divisions of private and public companies primarily in the manufacturing and industrial sector, Turnarounds of business entering or undergoing periods or distress or crisis, and Board Advisory to emerging growth through Fortune 500 companies. Among such specialties GCM has a solid track record, broad industry experience and access to substantial capital.


Garland Capital Management, LLC specializes in buyouts of private and public companies or divisions of private and public companies primarily in the manufacturing and industrial sector. We seek controlling positions in performing companies and divisions as well as special situations where companies or divisions may be undergoing a period of distress.


Garland Capital Management, LLC provides interim management and advisory services to companies undergoing crisis or distress caused by unpredictable and unwelcome events. These events can result in pressure from vendors, concern over short-term cash flow and financial obligations, and falling short of market and investor expectations. GCM will quickly identify and stabilize problem areas, negotiate and restructure debt, divest non-core assets and gain consensus from stakeholders to resolve issues quickly and implement timely customized solutions.

Board Advisory

Garland Capital Management, LLC or its affiliates will provide advisory service through a board position with a subject company. Clients range from emerging growth through Fortune 500 and are typically undergoing some type of strategic review, period of distress or are portfolio companies to an investment fund.